Joshua Kelly
2 min readDec 21, 2021


This probably will start short to be honest, but, what I’m aiming for here is a spot to put my tangled thoughts, ideas, anything really. Also hopefully other like minded or not so like minded people can read and relat.

So I will start out by saying I’m very anxious and prescribed a high does of alprazolam for the disorder. Honestly I can’t day a doctor or anyone has given me a diagnosis but I’m wondering why? I know I’m different in a lot of ways then 80/90% of most people. My mind don’t quite work the same, it doesn’t mean I am, pardon my harshness, stupid.

Ok that’s all my head can handle at this moment but I’ll be back to write again. Maybe ill get some responses, maybe not. This felt good is all that matters. And it’s honest and just what’s on my mind .

Later whoever, if anyone


Ok I also am very spontaneous, so, this may be really an experience.

As I’ve said, I’m just all over the place. If there was something I could change about myself, it would be slowing my thoughts down and trying to focus…I know it sounds simple but I’ve tried and no….not easy at all.

The holidays I think may be putting into a flustered frenzy for sanity. Kinda like holding a rope pulled by a horse with no gloves on.

Christmas morning, smiling watching our daughter Evelyn open her 700 bucks in present lol,no, I really don’t know. Teasing is what I call that.

All I know is that no matter what I’m blessed just for her being in my life. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

It’s now 1 A.M. Unfortunately laying here alone and reflecting back at why I’m always so alone, I see that I must be insane. I’m 100% sexually thinking all day and I aim to find if it’s normal. I’m 38 and sex I think is more on my mind now then when I was 18. It’s odd but oh I’ll shut up. It’s odd to me not to have a partner, ok plug your ears cover your eyes, to share sex with. I miss the intimacy.

So happy-Merry New Years! I hope to who I know and love that this year is the brightest yet. What did everyone do for the drunk fest? Lol sorry not much into alcohol. @

Yes it’s been awhile. Been rough. Need intimate contact asap before I stroke out and die. Is it all in my head or this feeling is it hormones or live? I need a woman now though. Jessica Wildfire

